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Geotechnical Investigation

Soil investigation is a crucial aspect of geotechnical engineering that involves assessing the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of the soil at a construction site. This process aims to understand the subsurface conditions, providing valuable information for designing foundations and evaluating potential risks associated with construction projects. Soil investigation typically includes techniques such as drilling, sampling, and laboratory testing to analyze soil composition, strength, permeability, and other relevant characteristics. The gathered data helps engineers make informed decisions regarding the suitability of the soil for supporting structures, ensuring stability.
Sandy soil

A sandy soil sticks together more than a sand but can be easily broken. Individual sand grains can be felt and heard if a wet sample is rubbed between the index finger and thumb and held close to the ear.

Silty Soil

A silty soil is like a soil but has a smooth silky feel when a moist sample is pushed between the index finger and thumb. On drying a sample can form a hard lump but this may be broken by hand.

Sandy Clay soil

A sandy clay soil is like a clay soil but sand grains can be felt.

Silty Clay soil

A silty clay soil is like a clay soil but silty as well and smooth to the touch.

Clay soil

More easily molded into a shape than a soil, a clay soil rolls out to a thin ribbon between the palms while a soil will break-up. When dry a clay soil will form a lump but is not as tough to break as a clay.

Silty Clay

A silty clay is like a clay but smoother.


Rocks are naturally occurring solid substances composed of minerals or mineraloids. They form through geological processes such as cooling and solidification, sedimentation, or metamorphism.

Types of tests performed at site as well as CLL lab

Physical PropertiesChemical PropertiesSoil Bearing CapacityTesting of Rock
Soil TexturePHDirect Shear TestRQD (Rock Quality Designation)
ClassificationConductivityTriaxial StrengthDry density of rock
CompactionCation Exchange CapacityConsolidationWater absorption of rock
PorosityOrganic MatterProctor Test (OMC & MDD)Unconfined Compressive Strength of rock
PermeabilityCarbon to Nitrogen RatioCalifornia Bearing Ratio (lab & Field)CBR Test
Water Holding CapacityGypsumUnconfined Compressive StrengthRock recovery ratio
Void Ratio/Swelling pressureSoil NutrientsDry Bulk Density-
Moisture/Free Swell IndexMineralogical Analysis--
Index PropertiesGeo Technical SurveyContaminantsConstrution purpose water testing
Liquid LimitPlate load test (Load bearing Capacity)Leachability
Plastic LimitStandard Penetration testHeavy MetalsSulphates (as SO3)
Plasticity IndexElectrical ResistivityPesticidesChloride (as CL)
Shrinkage LimitDynamic Cone Penetration Test (DCPT)VOC’sPH
DensityBore logging-
Suspended matter
Particle DensityPile load test--
Specific GravityCo-efficient of active earth pressure--
Particle size distributionMineralogical Analysis--
SedimentationCo-efficient of passive earth pressure--
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